“Here’s what City Council members say are their priorities and pet projects for the year 2000:Paul Brewer said he wants to change the city’s storm water fee. He said the fee should be based on the size of a home and impervious surface instead of everyone paying the same amount. He said he will bring back the sidewalk issue, but instead of trying to force residents to pay for their sidewalks, he wants the city to put aside money for sidewalk construction. He wants the city to build its own solid waste transfer station and offer complete recycling to businesses. He said he wants to cut the cost of government by making the city more efficient.Sheilah Crider said she wants to see the city move forward on the municipal dock project and push economic expansion. She said the year will be “a time of awakening and pulling together” in the city.John LaFond said that the budget issue is most critical, but he would also like to see the annexation of a proposed business park north of the city and a final decision on the traffic pattern — whether Pioneer Way should be one-way or remain two-way — in downtown Oak Harbor.Danny Paggao said he has four proposals for balancing the budget that he wants to explore. They are increasing the sales tax, diverting interest from the city’s investments into the general fund, increasing fees for non-city residents for use of parks and rec, and collecting sales tax from those who do business inside the city but aren’t located within city limits.Bob Morrison said “everything is going to revolve around the budget.” He said the city needs to encourage businesses to come to Oak Harbor, possibly with incentives, in order to increase the tax base. “We’ll see what we can offer people to come to Oak Harbor,” he said.Richard Davis said that the budget and the economy are his top priorities. He said the city needs to create a stable environment for businesses. “They don’t need to play politics week by week,” he said. He said he wants to help create “a solid, well-crafted image” for the city and a marketing plan.Rex Hankins said he would like to have some town hall meetings, which are informal meetings with city officials and residents, to develop a vision for Oak Harbor. “We should decide what we want Oak Harbor to become,” he said.”
New Mayor: Council looks ahead
Oak Harbor council members bring different agendas to the table as a new year gets under way.