Enough, Whidbey News Times!
Once again, you allowed another self-serving soapboxer shout, “Look at me! Look at me!” at the expense of a kind, hardworking friend of our town (last Saturday’s Sound Off column).
Sometimes, it seems these “opinions” are more advertising than issues. Heck, if I wanted publicity for my credentials, I’d have to pay your outrageous business advertising fees! (Why didn’t I think of calling it an “opinion” and get it for free?)
I’m tired of the chronic slandering you allow in the Sound Off column and Opinion pages. When will the Whidbey News-Times set guidelines to protect my community and me from wild comments and innuendoes? You seem to only care about the stir it causes. Is your job easier now that you’ve created your own “news”? Why couldn’t you set up guideline instructions for those writing to the opinion pages and Sound Off column that excludes name-calling and rumors? Someone’s going to get hurt. Correction, people HAVE been hurt.
I am one who fully supports Dave Willis at Dave’s Music and would like to thank him for his many years of caring for the youth of our town (something someone only “presently residing in Oak Harbor” may have not known). No, Dave’s genuine concern for our town is not shouted from a soapbox, only experienced by those lucky enough to have met him.
Sooz Konopik lives in Oak Harbor.