Election 2004: Strow follows Sehlin’s lead

Knowing that Rep. Sehlin will soon be retired, I will be casting my vote for Chris Strow.

I would like to express my gratitude to State Rep. Barry Sehlin for his time of service representing the 10th Legislative District in Olympia. Rep. Sehlin’s leadership during this state’s budget crisis will not soon be forgotten.

Knowing that Rep. Sehlin will soon be retired, I will be casting my vote for Chris Strow. Chris’s knowledge on issues such as tort reform, education and this state’s business climate make him a superbly qualified candidate. In addition, Chris’s experience as a legislative and congressional staffer will allow him to “hit the ground running” when he reaches Olympia.

These are the reasons why Rep. Sehlin, as well as retired Congressman Jack Metcalf, are endorsing Chris Strow for State Representative. Their endorsements are definitely among the many reasons I will be voting for Chris Strow.

William G. Burnett

Oak Harbor