I just read USN (Retired) Stanley R. Reed’s letter in the Whidbey News-Times Jan. 26, regarding the wearing of their best dress uniforms.
The Whidbey 24 flyers were mentioned as “not choosing” to wear their best dress uniforms.
Those people looked just as honorable and brave in those “nasty, pajama-looking, green flight suits” as they would have in dress whites.
Each of us is entitled to his own opinion — here is one (mine). If the nasty, pajama-looking, green flight suits are good enough for our flyers to die in — they certainly should be good enough to be worn as those people wore them.
I am sure this opinion is not only my own.
Glenn H. Lane, retired from the U.S. Navy as a master chief petty officer. During World War II he was a combat aircrewman. Lane lives in Oak Harbor.