Political: Vandalism is not a right

Within the last week, there have been numerous break-ins, burglaries and vandalism to Republican and Bush Campaign headquarters.

Within the last week, there have been numerous break-ins, burglaries and vandalism to Republican and Bush Campaign headquarters. While most of these have been during non-open hours, there are reports of demonstrators converging in groups in some state GOP offices and actually committing bodily harm to volunteers.

A week ago, someone broke into a Bush Campaign headquarters in Bellevue, vandalizing the property and stealing personal computers. A few nights ago, someone burglarized the GOP office in Spokane apparently with the intention of stealing a TV set and computers holding sensitive campaign information.

Throughout the state, Republican campaign signs are frequent targets for vandals.

Destroying political signs is not just philosophically attacking Republicans. It is destroying personal property, a criminal offense, and depriving property owners of their right to free speech, as provided by our Constitution.

There is surely some good citizen who knows the identity of the cowards who do their dirty work under cover of darkness. That good citizen needs to either report the responsible individuals to the authorities or, at the very least, let the criminals know this is not how to win friends and influence people. Don’t give tacit approval by doing nothing or, worse, smirking behind your hand.

Mary Jane Aurdal
