Feedback: Liberal elite buys the land

The Democrats have written to tell us how to “preserve our rural character” (Letters, July 23). Awfully nice of them, since they (along with their WEANie allies) are responsible for the misbegotten Growth Management Act and extreme envirnomental regulations which threaten to eliminate the ability of the family farmer to make a living on their own land. 

Apparently, farming is not part of our rural character for Democrats. 

Luckily, when those farmers are forced to sell their land, the only folks who will be able to afford to buy them are the rich liberal elites who run the Democrat party in Washington. I reckon another 10 acre mansion built on a former farm by a liberal California transplant will do wonders for our “rural character.”

Heck, the next thing you know, the Democrats will be protecting us from the evils of automobiles by raising the gas tax nine cents a gallon so only rich liberal elites can afford to drive. Oh, wait… they already did that, too!

Jeff Adams
