Sept. 11, we remembered those people who were taken so suddenly from us in an unforgivable act of violence.
What with the many memorial ceremonies scheduled for this day, I was somewhat surprised that the flag was not being flown at Beeksma Park, at the entrance of our town from the south.
I called city hall at about 9:30 a.m. this morning to inquire as to why the flags were not up. I was told that it was up. I explained to her that I had just returned from town and it in fact was not up. She said she’d have someone look into it.
About 3:30 that afternoon I was again in town, and there were no flags. Once more I called and got the following information:
1) There are no flagpoles at Beeksma Park (and yet that is exactly where the National Ensign and service flags were flown when the EP-3 crew returned home from China).
2) That is not the “official flag pole for the city, and
3) The parks department doesn’t have the time.
Could it be that the city intends to fly the flags at Beeksma Park when the media are in town? I hope that is not the case. I would like to see an article in the paper as to the planned usage of Beeksma Park where flying our flag is concerned. I think it’s an excellent location to display our colors.
T. Ladei
Oak Harbor