We, the West Beach drivers, would like to say thank you to the West Beach walker for being so unbelievably consistent every morning. Without fail there you are walking down West Beach with a friendly smile and wave for every car.
We want you to know how we look forward to seeing you each day. There is something about your consistent friendliness that brings us hope. No matter what may have occurred in the news, there you are. No matter how difficult our mornings may have been, there you are. if life strikes a tragic blow through illness, death or divorce, there you are like the sunrise each morning, waving to us as if to say, “Cheer up. It will be OK!”
There is something about your generation. A quiet resolve in the face of adversity. We, the Baby Boomers and Generation X, need you! Pass the torch! Teach us how to stand as you do, getting up every morning no matter what the condition, being cheerful and gracious to strangers no matter what the circumstances may be.
Your are my hero, West Beach walker. Keep up the good work!