The old concrete cistern hasn’t been utilized for 25 years.
A bond measure in 2022 might be another funding source for the pool along with grants.
The National Passport Center has been directing people to Langley.
Mark Brinkman, 56, passed away unexpectedly Sunday night.
A nonprofit organization with a mission to meet the needs of foster children will hold its first-ever auction online.
Green thumbs who have had a taste of spring sunshine and want to begin planting can do so with the help of the Island County Master Gardeners.
The majority of 60 applicants who applied for membership were rejected for their signing of a petition.
The Coupeville Farmers Market opened last weekend and more markets are coming up.
The event at Clinton Community Hall on April 17 will have clothing and toiletries for women in need.
Vaccination rates and efforts to reach underserved communities are growing.
A cacophony of happy buzzers and bells and a riot of glowing lights signals the return of another Langley institution…
Three new scultpures are coming to Langley
South Whidbey Elementary School students got a taste of what it would be like to live as gray whales.