Residents of Whidbey Island are recovering from a late winter windstorm that started in the darkness of morning and continued to blow through early afternoon.
Central Whidbey Fire & Rescue was called into investigate a burning electrical smell and haze in the Coupeville Elementary School library this morning, delaying the start of school.
A small landslide near Ebey’s Landing left one lane of the roadway blocked with dirt and debris before Island County road workers cleared the way Monday morning.
The Kettles Trails will be teeming with mountain bike riders this weekend during two events that have grown in numbers.
The Kettles Trails will be teeming with mountain bike riders this weekend during two events that have grown in numbers.
The idea of holding a 5K run and walk along cart paths of a golf course might conjure up a few potential hazards.
But, rest assured, such scenarios are considered during planning for the inaugural Luck of the Irish 5K Poker Run/Walk at Whidbey Golf Club in Oak Harbor March 20.
A small landslide near Ebey’s Landing left one lane of the roadway blocked with dirt and debris before Island County road workers cleared the way Monday morning.
Joseph Itaya, who grew up on South Whidbey, visited Sun Valley, Idaho, last week for the second public screening of his first independent feature film as a director, “Lost & Found,” at the Sun Valley Film Festival.
A small landslide near Ebey’s Landing left one lane of the roadway blocked with dirt and debris before Island County road workers cleared the way Monday morning.
Douglas Coates, a sonar operator from the Royal Canadian Navy, seeks help on Whidbey to aid his mission.
Friends and family of Che’ Gilliland held a parade in honor of the former Oak Harbor teacher and environmental and peace activist in Coupeville Sunday to celebrate Gilliland’s life. Gilliland, a former Coupeville resident, died Jan. 29 in New Orleans, La., after a short battle with lung cancer.
Homeowners on Central Whidbey could see a slight decrease in insurance premiums due to an improved fire protection rating.
This school year, Purdue is guiding five students as they prepare to shed more light on history. They will be sharing their projects and seeking public input during a History Day Community Night that is taking place from 5-7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 3 at the Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge on Jacobs Road in Coupeville.