Tour and Tea coming up

Cooler than normal temperatures have led the Oak Harbor Garden Club to hold its 13th annual ‘Tour and Tea’ a little later than usual this year.

The event is scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 9.

The tour is made up of six gardens. A ‘tea’ will be set up at one of the homes. Visitors can drive to the gardens in any order.

Tickets are $15 each and are available at The Greenhouse Florist, Maillard’s Landing Nursery, Skagit Farmers Supply and Country Store, Hummingbird Farm Nursery and Gardens, Bayleaf in Oak Harbor and Coupeville and the chamber of commerce offices in Oak Harbor and Coupeville.

Each ticket includes a description of the gardens and driving directions to each.

Proceeds from the event benefit the garden club’s civic improvement projects.

Call 720-2562 or email for information.