A compliment in challenging times

How about a compliment for a change? I know the Whidbey News-Times and the rest of the publishing world is under extreme duress due to declining revenues and increasing costs and we understand and appreciate the efforts you make to keep afloat and still provide a quality product.

How about a compliment for a change? I know the Whidbey News-Times and the rest of the publishing world is under extreme duress due to declining revenues and increasing costs and we understand and appreciate the efforts you make to keep afloat and still provide a quality product.

You take all the heat and seldom get the well-deserved pat on the back. I know you’ve been tempted to take your online entries into a more commercial endeavor in order to raise revenue and appreciate the fact that you haven’t done so. It is a challenging business model, but you persevere.

I imagine you may be afraid to publish a compliment, but it’s nonetheless well-deserved and earned!

Bill Deposit
Oak Harbor