Anti-turbine letter extreme

I want to be on record as one who disagrees with most of the “facts” and extreme predictions presented by Dr. Benjamin Hu in his letter concerning turbines in Puget Sound (Whidbey News-Times, April 18). This is not to say that no fish will be harmed if the turbines are installed.

I am a retired marine biologist; a former director of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (Seattle); the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (Vancouver, B.C.); and a National Marine Fisheries Service laboratory (Maine).

Years ago, I was a member of the Passamaquoddy Fishery Investigations, studying the effects that tidal dams could have on fish in an area near the Bay of Fundy (world’s highest tides). Some of my scientific papers referenced on the Internet are about salmon and halibut — species of concern that were mentioned in Dr. Hu’s letter.

Bernard E. Skud

Oak Harbor