Appalled by paper’s failure to observe historical event | Letters

Editor, As a 30-year retired Navy man living in this community, I can’t find words to express my dismay, disappointment and disgust at the total lack of any respect and observance by this paper of the 72nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor.


As a 30-year retired Navy man living in this community, I can’t find words to express my dismay, disappointment and disgust at the total lack of any respect and observance by this paper of the 72nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor.

Not one word.

Only the continued whining and crying of the COER group seems to be in the news on this day, a day when so many paid the ultimate price to pass along the freedom that these fine folks now use this many years later to degrade the finest navy in the world for their own self centered intrest.

Absolutely disgusting.

Mike Turner

Oak Harbor