A great American said “Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the people’ tell the government what it is allowed to do.” Somewhere we have strayed.
Congress has the ability to require the masses purchase health insurance and participate in a plan to pay for others while exempting themselves. This administration and Congress have the ability to spend trillions of borrowed dollars and incur debt of such magnitude it cannot be sustained.
Government has the ability to take your property and give it to someone else providing it results in increased revenue to the government.
Government has the ability to require that 25 percent of income earners pay 86 percent of all income taxes collected.
Those who enter the country illegally have the ability to receive health care, in-state tuition and a myriad of social services. Foreign nationals who kill or attempt to kill Americans here and abroad have been granted the ability to exercise rights accorded American citizens in our criminal justice system.
On a state level our Legislature has the ability to overturn a vote of the people and get to work once again raising taxes.
Locally, the County Commissioners have the ability to budget based on what they feel will enhance our quality of life. Here in Coupeville we have people with the ability to decide your house color or allow you to build a church but insist it look like a crematorium.
There seems to be no shortage of people whose personal lives are such models of propriety, outstanding citizenship, intellect and good taste that they have the ability to define, refine, explain, and educate the masses regarding our rights.
I have a right which I, along with millions of Americans, exercise responsibly. The government did not grant it to me, although it can be found in the Bill of Rights. I am a free man and if I wish to have one or more firearms that is my business. If some of you folks look to an ever growing and intrusive government for fulfillment and happiness that is your choice but quit trampling on my rights in the process.
John Lyness