Doug McLaughlin (Letters, June 16) can be expected to come out of the woodwork whenever Tim Eyman proposes another state initiative to cut taxes. This time it is Initiative 960, which proposes that a 2/3 supermajority of both houses of the Legislature be required to raise any taxes. I-960 could become law only by amending Article II, Sec. 22 of the state constitution, which provides that “No bill shall become law unless . . . a majority of the members elected to each house be . . . in favor.”
McLaughlin says he wants to “stop the arrogant legislators who oppose the people’s wishes” and rails against the “huge” increase in the state gasoline tax (approved when the people rejected Initiative 912) and the existing estate tax (approved when the people rejected Initiative 920).
Readers might be interested to know that McLaughlin is a retired military officer who has been feeding at the public trough, with active duty service of at least 20 years and drawing retirement pay and other benefits for another 40 years. Heaven help us if he and his ilk ever become a majority of voting citizens and impose their “I’ve got mine, to hell with the rest of you” values on our state and nation.
Supporters of I-960 are asking us to give them that power now, even without a majority. How stupid do they think we are?
James M. Bruner
Major, USA (Ret.)
Oak Harbor