Be glad you are not getting all of the government you are paying for!
The assessor’s office can put millions in the county coffers by retraining or properly training the appraisers that work for the county assessor.
How can this be, you ask?
Well, in the last few years taxpayers have appealed the appraisals of of the assessor’s office on an average of 600 to over 800 parcels per year.
This seems to be a high percentage to me.The cost of this is high.
The assessor stated in an article in the Whidbey News-Times not too long ago that appeals cost the county around $2,000 each that go to appeal.
I am thinking that expenses for improper or incompetent tax appeals would be better spent on things like police and fire protection and other needed services, not to be used on social services or other liberal requests for funds.
It’s time to work with the money that is available, not raise or implement “creative” finance for pet services. Families and churches used to take care of the needy homeless and downtrodden.
This county has elected a very liberal goup of amateur politicians learning toward socialism.
Margaret Thatcher once stated that “The only thing wrong with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”
I for one have not liked the “change” I have received at the county, state or federal level.
Larry Ogle