In the Sept. 12 edition of the Whidbey News-Times the city is trying to figure out how to reduce accidents on Highway 20 between Beeksma Drive and Swantown.
The first thing that needs to be done is install a barrier at SW Erie so the right lane can only turn right to Wal-Mart. I can’t tell you the number of times I have seen people racing through there trying to further themselves in line. The barrier would make it so you have to get to the left lane or go to Wal-Mart, no more racing to the front of the line.
Next eliminate the left turn into Albertsons as you are coming into town from Coupeville. Nice people let cars turn across traffic, then here comes the right lane speeders trying to further themselves in line, then they T-bone somebody. I drive to Coupeville every day, and I see reckless driving through that area every day, and lots of middle fingers flying. I think the barrier, and eliminating one or two of the left turns into Albertsons, and Wendy’s, would reduce the accidents by at least half or more.
While we are on the subject, the traffic lights at Barrington Drive by Safeway gas station down to the corner on Highway 20 is a drag strip also, people are always racing trying to cut in there as well.
Randy McClaskey
Oak Harbor