Christmas Village supporters thanked

The Home Depot, Blue Fox Drive-In Theater and Christmas Village would like to thank all the people who attended, volunteered and donated to make this first year returning a success. Without them we couldn’t have done it.

The Home Depot, Blue Fox Drive-In Theater and Christmas Village would like to thank all the people who attended, volunteered and donated to make this first year returning a success. Without them we couldn’t have done it.

Thank you to the Home Depot, Blue Fox Drive-In Theater, Oak Harbor Fire Department, Whidbey Moving and Storage, Skagit Farmer’s Supply, Honeymoon Bay Roasters, Starbucks, Whidbey Coffee, Whidbey Market Place, Whidbey News-Times and numerous military and civilian volunteers.

This year, the Christmas Village served over 175 dozen cookies, 5 pounds of coffee and 900 cups of cider! Santa Claus saw over 1,00 kids. Thank you for the support of the community.

James Croft

Oak Harbor