Coaches teach what’s important

As a part-time school bus driver for 14 years I’ve had the privilege of meeting most of the high school coaches. Most of them love what they do so much they put in a lot of extra time. I would say some probably don’t even make minimum wage for all their time and effort.

In general, not only did I find these men and women coaches to be upstanding individuals that come from strong families but are key in helping build character in our young student athletes. You might not agree how some of these coaches do things, like I have, but they still deserve our full respect and support.

In regards to Mr. Taylor’s letter of May 12, “Replace high school coaches,” you must understand that because of our population base we here in Oak Harbor have a limited talent pool. But the athletes we do have are fantastic in my eyes. Most all of them are very polite and well behaved. You also have to consider that we don’t have the indoor facilities like many other communities outside of Whidbey Island where athletes can refine their sport year-round. To me, winning is fun but not the most important. What life long lessons will our kids learn from these dedicated coaches is.

Larry Fleck

Oak Harbor