COER’s use of American flag was inappropriate | Letter

Editor, Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve got front page coverage for their protest at OLF. I cannot state loudly enough that they do not represent myself or my views on anything.


Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve got front page coverage for their protest at OLF. I cannot state loudly enough that they do not represent myself or my views on anything.

A close look at the front page picture accompanying the article shows a protester displaying an American flag inappropriately.

It is truly now the time for these folks to move. Somewhere like the Ukraine may be nice for them.

In the meantime, do their actions not upset anyone else? Doesn’t anyone else feel that they have stepped over a line here? Isn’t anyone else tired of catering to the minority? Does anyone else wonder at the level of media coverage these malcontents are given?

Come on, people.

Gary Raster

Oak Harbor