County needs help with park trash

Effective March 1, Island County Parks will start removing trash cans from selected parks due to the recent budget cuts. The Parks Department is asking all citizens to abide by the “pack it in, pack it out” rule. If you brought it to the park, please take it with you when you leave. This will help keep our parks beautiful and clean.

Effective March 1, Island County Parks will start removing trash cans from selected parks due to the recent budget cuts. The Parks Department is asking all citizens to abide by the “pack it in, pack it out” rule. If you brought it to the park, please take it with you when you leave. This will help keep our parks beautiful and clean.

Island County Parks have seen devastating budget cuts over the past few years and has been forced to make drastic cuts in parks maintenance. While trash service is something we would like to provide, it is simply something the department can no longer afford to provide.

The people of Island County have stepped up and provided great volunteer support in many parks, with civic groups and individual citizens adopting parks and providing vital volunteer maintenance.

Those that have joined our Adopt-a-Park program are: Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Friends of Camano Island Parks, Island County Trails Council, Back Country Horsemen, Ledgewood Beach Property Owners Association, Mary’s Weeding Service, North Whidbey Lions, The Goodell and Loomis families, FETCH, Oak Harbor High School Honor Society and Whidbey Baseball Club.

If you are interested in adopting a park, please call 679-7331.
<strong>Steve Marx
Island County Parks</strong>