Critic missed an entire party

I was pleased by Mr. Beeksma’s letter bemoaning the lack of civility (and truth) in our political discourse and I agree completely. It was unfortunate that the specifics of incivility cited were all Democrats. If he had noted a Republican congressman calling the president a liar during a State of the Union, I would have been impressed.

I was pleased by Mr. Beeksma’s letter bemoaning the lack of civility (and truth) in our political discourse and I agree completely. It was unfortunate that the specifics of incivility cited were all Democrats. If he had noted a Republican congressman calling the president a liar during a State of the Union, I would have been impressed.

If he had put the lie, fomented by a so-called “news” cable channel, to the president’s recent trips costing $200 million a day, I would have been amazed.

If he had called ludicrous the ridiculous assertion by a former speaker in regard to the president “channeling” his dead father to further a Kenyan socialist agenda, I would have been flabbergasted. But maybe, that’s just me.

Charles D. Ryder III

Oak Harbor