Democrats: No they can’t

Isn’t it amazing that the same people who can’t decide how to attack America’s enemies in Afghanistan have plenty of time to attack American citizens whom the left considers to be their enemies?

Isn’t it amazing that the same people who can’t decide how to attack America’s enemies in Afghanistan have plenty of time to attack American citizens whom the left considers to be their enemies?

Democrats, who have firm control of all branches of the government, can’t pass a budget, can’t reduce unemployment, can’t close Guantanamo, can’t follow through on their promised retreat from Iraq, can’t end “don’t ask, don’t tell,” can’t take action on climate change, and can’t pass health care reform. Despite wasting a year dithering on Afghanistan, though, Democrats also can’t allow the American public reasonable time to consider their behemoth health care takeover bills – likely because they are afraid their fellow citizens will figure out what unpleasant surprises Democrats have hidden inside.

Now Nancy Pelosi tells us that Democrats won’t consider raising taxes, they’ll just “eliminate a tax decrease.” I’d ask how stupid Democrats think American voters are, but the answer to that question seems to be pretty clear.

Despite a record that Saturday Night Live rightly observes consists of just two achievements, “jack, and squat,” Democrats seem to have plenty of time to attack Wall Street, attack police officers trying to do their duty, attack tea partiers, attack Town Hall attendees, attack Fox News, attack Kanye West, attack insurance companies, and even attack the United States Chamber of Commerce, of all things!

I’m sure left wing partisans cheer these attacks, but one has to wonder if this sort of divisive attacks and inaction by Democrats are the “hope and change” that independent voters were counting on last year.

Luckily, there’s only one year left before we can replace the Democrats in Congress, in Olympia, and on the Island County commission with adults.

Jeff Adams
