Dentists need to help kids

In response to “Rotten teeth in Oak Harbor” (Letters, Feb. 28), I also am a grandmother and great-grandmother. Four of my grand-children use DSHS coupons and I also know the problem of finding a dentist in Oak Harbor who takes the medical coupons.

We have at least one wonderful pediatric dental office, with two dentists who do take the maximum number of medical coupon patients that they can take. Or should I say, afford to take and still make a living? Why don’t the rest of the dentists in Oak Harbor take more of these patients and share the joy of knowing that although they might not receive the big bucks, they would be helping children who need care?

After all, it’s not the children’s fault and most of the time, not the parents’ fault that they cannot afford dental care. One dentist in Oak Harbor offers free dental care on Valentine’s Day on a first come, first served basis. Kudos to him and the dentists who do take medical coupons, for all they do to put a nice smile on the faces of our children.

Sea Mar Clinic is also here in Oak Harbor, but it takes forever to get in and I was told that they are taking more adults than young children.

What a shame it is that here on Whidbey Island children and adults who need dental care, but can’t afford it, have to go all the way to the University of Washington to receive the care they should be able to get here at home. Come on, all the dentists on the island, do your share so that the burden doesn’t fall on just a few caring providers!

If each dentist will take a few they can make a huge difference in the health of a lot of people here on the Island. Take heart and do your part. If each dental office would follow the example and take DSHS coupons we would not have this problem. “In as much as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto Me.”

Marie Hamilton

Oak Harbor