In her April newsletter Island County Commissioner Kelly Emerson once again demonstrated her total unfitness for public office.
While she routinely uses her newsletter to spout right-wing talking points, unbelievably in her most recent newsletter she referred to the two Democratic commissioners, Helen Price Johnson and Angie Homola, as “the comrades.”
How insulting and disgraceful. Kelly you have absolutely no class!
Your behavior is nothing less than despicable and totally un-American. It is reminiscent of the black blotch in our nation’s history brought on by the likes of Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
Please Kelly, do something, anything, to warrant the initiation of a recall petition. You know as well as I do that if given the choice, the majority of voters in Island County will vote to remove you from office.
You have become an embarrassment to Island County, and if you had an ounce of integrity you would resign.
Jim Willis