I read the “city highway woes” article on Sept. 12 and could not believe what the State DOT person and state senator said about safety and congestion concerning Highway 20. I have contacted both concerning past highway projects that are still dangerous and even deadly.
Two of the projects are not even finished yet!
One is the limited left turns that were put in several years ago from Albertson’s up to Home Depot, Sure some barriers were partly put in but I lost count as to how many times I’ve almost collided with vehicles turning left coming out of Wendy’s, 7-eleven, Burger King, Safeway, etc., because the no-turn curbs are not installed completely.
The real death trap (yes, someone did die from a head-on collision) is the short passing lane coming southbound on Highway 20 down the curved hill onto Dugualla flats. With the trees and curve as well as the vehicle one is trying to pass you cannot see what’s coming northbound until it’s too late.
So my question to both parties is, when are you going to fix the problem areas that you created on Highway 20 and what future dangers are you creating with the current highway projects?
Highway 20 safe? I don’t think so!
V. Conover
Oak Harbor