Future is yours to preserve, influence | Letter

It’s the season for promises and possibilities, but only if you participate in our democracy and vote.


It’s the season for promises and possibilities, but only if you participate in our democracy and vote.

While we listen and read the candidates’ stories, we hopefully ponder the choices. To help in the choosing, I’d like to suggest we all keep in mind the mission statement of the Whidbey Camano Land Trust.

In the Aug. 14 Whidbey News-Times, while celebrating its 30-year anniversary and talking about what we want the next 30 years to look like, the Land trust said their mission is to “preserve a quality of life that is unique to the island for future generations.”

So, while claims of fixing it all and being a good neighbor to boot, consider the people and institutions and ask yourself, “Is this going to ‘preserve a quality of life unique to the island for future generations?’”

Pay attention. The future is yours to influence.

Harry Toulgoat
