Go Norma, Go Barbara

The citizens of Washington have had a hard life with the powers that be in Olympia for the last 30 years, give or take a couple of years. That is the length of time the Democratic party has been in control. A continual run of governors has set the agenda and for the most part the Legislature has followed.

The citizens of Washington have had a hard life with the powers that be in Olympia for the last 30 years, give or take a couple of years. That is the length of time the Democratic party has been in control. A continual run of governors has set the agenda and for the most part the Legislature has followed.

What has this accomplished for this state? We have business leaving the state because of the excessive taxes and fees the state has applied to them; we have a budget shortfall that per capita is higher than California’s; we have seen voter-approved initiatives disregarded by the Democrats who have bypassed them; and in the last five years we have seen over a 30 percent increase in the size of government spending.

What we need is more legislators like Reps. Barbara Bailey and Norma Smith, who realize the power to tax and regulate is also the power to destroy business and individual incomes. I thank God that we have a few legislators in Olympia that will fight for the citizens of this state. Go Barbara and Norma, keep up the fight for a fiscally responsible government.

Joe Moreland

Oak Harbor