Haugen helps Oak Harbor

We read in March 15, 2008 Whidbey News-Times that Oak Harbor’s non-partisan mayor, the County Sheriff and two former city mayors gleefully proclaimed that the 10th District can finally get rid of our State Senator Mary Margaret Haugen. She is a Democrat so she has to go. Apparently the mayor’s GOP friends are more important to him than the other citizens of oak Harbor, especially those who are independents or, heaven forbid, Democrats.

All this animosity towards Senator Haugen comes after a legislative session that brought Oak Harbor money to help with the marina project and a legislative directive to change the mess in the state ferry system. Drive on State Highway 20 and look at the improvements currently being made for safety and improved traffic flow.

Senator Haugen has served us well for many years with dignity and courage. She has attended numerous events on Whidbey Island even though she resides on Camano. Many times she is at the Whidbey events when the Whidbey legislators are not. She has served us all very well and should be returned to Olympia this fall.

The mayor needs to advise the citizens of Oak Harbor how they will be better served next year in the Washington state Senate by a rookie member of the minority party than they are being served by our current senator.

William and Yseldah Applegate

Oak Harbor