I am embarrassed to live on an island that would put a 68-year-old woman in jail (Whidbey News-Times, Aug. 28) for a month for running into a transformer (the power was shut off) that was on her own property.
No one was hurt. I don’t understand why it was a criminal matter. It should have been a civil matter between Carol Magee and Puget Sound Energy. The transformer is in an odd place. It is in the easement dedicated to the road, while there is plenty of room for it on the adjoining power easement.
Puget Sound Energy could not explain the reason for this location to Carol nor was Carol allowed to discuss easements at all during the trial.
Judge Churchill had recently ruled against Carol on another matter and should have recused herself as she was no longer impartial. Carol admits that she did run into the transformer, but the jury never got to hear anything else, not even state law about easements.
Coupeville jail is not a safe place for an old woman and I hope Judge Churchill will be satisfied with her pound of flesh should something happen to Carol while she is in there. At least we know the streets will be safe from one cranky old woman and our money is being spent protecting out-of-place transformers.
Sally Keys