Join forces to make roads safe

A local scenario that happens several times each year on Whidbey. Someone is headed to dinner with friends, a doctor’s appointment or perhaps going home when suddenly in a shuddering, uncomprehending instant their world explodes into shattered glass and twisted metal: they’ve just been hit by someone driving under the influence. Who’s next?

According to local and state statistics, every day each of us shares our roads with motorists driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Some started before they began driving, as early as elementary age. Sometimes you see drivers pulled over by police or the wrecked vehicles they’ve hit. Sometimes people are terribly injured or die. What can be done?

You can make a difference if driving under the influence or underage drinking has affected your life, either in a family or work-related way.

Sharing your experience as a speaker for the Impaired Driving Impact Panel of Island County is a community service that can powerfully connect with people and help prevent needless injuries and deaths on our roads. And underage drinking often goes hand in hand with DUI.

Speakers are the heart of IDIPIC’s heart-to-heart organization which impacts local court-ordered residents, Whidbey driver’s education students, their parents and the general public, including hundreds of NAS Whidbey Island personnel, spouses and civilian workers each year.

Also, as a Partner in Prevention, any individual or agency, business, church, organization or other group can also help fund IDIPICs efforts, which ultimately benefits us all. Find out how on IDIPIC’s website: or call 675-8397.

IDIPIC is changing attitudes one heart at a time. Because you can’t influence or change behavior without affecting attitude first. Join us and be a potential lifesaver.

We’re together on the roads. Let’s be together in the cause to keep our roads and kids safe.

JoAnn Hellmann
