Judge nominee appears to be racist

Judge Sotomayor has made racist and sexist comments that make her unfit to be on the Supreme Court. She said a Latina is going to make better decisions than others because of her experience at being a Latina? Are you kidding me? I thought we were supposed to have moved beyond this sort of thinking. I know I have, as have all I know.

It is mainly within the political machine of the left that we find this sort of identity politics at work. Once again, as Dr. King taught us, it’s supposed to be about the content of one’s character, not their skin color, ethnicity, sex, orientation, etc.

But especially egregious was her Freudian slip caught on a recording about how the role of the judiciary is to make policy. No. Judges interpret law. They do not make law. The leftists in this country have, for quite some time, been attempting to use the courts to implement their radical socialist agenda instead of the proper way which is legislatively. So it is not surprising that one of their own would put forward a Supreme Court nominee that reflects this attitude of judicial usurpation.

Judge Sotomayor will most likely be confirmed because the Republicans in the Senate are not up for the struggle. And thus we will have yet another radical leftist on the highest court for life, gradually tearing apart the fabric of our freedom. This is what Obamunism gets you; an unaccountable judicial oligarchy, making radical socialist policy in direct contravention to the Constitution. Is a further move toward judicial tyranny really the change you statists wanted?

Ty Welch

Oak Harbor