Justice missing from office

I commend Jessie Stensland for her comprehensive informative article about the Island County Prosecutor’s Office. Any ordinary citizen with the slightest interest should quickly determine that nothing is well at the county prosecutor’s office. In addition to the violation of the civil rights of deputy prosecutors the prosecutor’s Web site confirms him to be a hypocrite.

The prosecutor’s Web site displays the words of Justice William Brennan identifying the role of the prosecutor. Nowhere in Jessie’s June 30 article does Greg Banks profess to be concerned with justice.

This corruption of the prosecutor’s office exist because we the ordinary citizen are too ignorant, too apathetic, or just too busy to care. You can pick one or all of the above. If you disagree leave a message at 307-673-5295 or e-mail me a beaux@wavecom.net.

Bob Genereaux

Oak Harbor