Karahalios fit to be mayor

Paul Brewer recently stated that if he becomes mayor he will keep his full-time civil service job as well as serving as mayor. While the mayor’s position is not full-time, it pays over $40,000 per year and requires attending extensive meetings and official functions throughout the day and evening. It is hardly a job to do in your spare time after work.

We are lucky to have Sue Karahalios as a candidate for mayor. She will have no distractions from her duties as mayor. As a 45-year resident of Oak Harbor, she is committed to the quality of life here. Sue is a retired teacher with the time, energy, and intelligence to lead us as mayor. Her experience as a state legislator will be invaluable in bringing resources to Oak Harbor.

I know Sue from her tireless work for the youth of Oak Harbor. She was instrumental in establishing the Boys & Girls Club here and facilitating the purchase of the Roller Barn site. She knows how to get results. She has the vision, the time, and the smarts to get things done. Oak Harbor will be fortunate to have her working for us as mayor.

Kathy Chalfant

Oak Harbor