This is a response to John Stone’s Oct. 4 letter to the editor referring to Republicans as “gop-up.”
That sounds like some kind of adhesive to me.
The last three letters in “Democrat” is RAT. That’s a timid, little, troublesome vermin.
When President Barack Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq and perhaps we thought there may be a civil war, who cares, we don’t live there.
Then, the most appalling thing happened — ISIS, or ISIL, came alive. There are beheadings on the Internet of Americans and the U.K. The Middle East will be in flames.
If not stopped in its tracks, all of the Middle East, including Turkey, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, then Israel, could be wiped out. Before Israel is destroyed, they will defend themselves with the big weapons.
Gas could top $25 a gallon, wiping out the world economy.
Stone goes on to say the GOP buys elections but doesn’t mention the Black Panthers intimidating voters with clubs during the 2008 elections.
I don’t care what President George W. Bush did or any other president before him. Think in the present. When you cast your ballot in November, think RATS, or just give Rick Larsen his eighth term — and other democRATs.
Remember all the vacant buildings in Oak Harbor.
This is a frightening new world we live in, folks.
William Ludlow
Oak Harbor