Thanks for your recent article focusing on Breastfeeding Awareness Week. Although this topic hits the headlines now and again, it doesn’t always get much attention outside of parenting magazines and Web sites.
I loved the quote from Island County Public Health nurse Loretta Bezold who asked, “Would you eat your lunch in a bathroom? Why should women feed their babies there?” And yet so many breastfeeding mothers must resort to hiding in the bathroom to satisfy a hungry baby. Breastfeeding is such a natural, pleasurable experience for mothers and children, those living outside the Western world would marvel at how uptight many people are about “catching a glimpse of an exposed breast.”
I happily breastfed both my sons and was discreet about it — but never ashamed. I consider it one of the benefits of motherhood: a special bond between you and your baby. It’s also something that can be difficult to master, especially for first-time mothers. I want to thank Whidbey General Hospital for their excellent lactation consultants who helped me solve latching problems and encouraged me to tough it out during those first few difficult weeks.
With support, encouragement and public approval, more women and their children will benefit from breastfeeding instead of paying for artificial formula that not only costs a lot, but does little to cement the mother-child bond.
Marina Parr
Oak Harbor