Letter: All who commit crimes should be held accountable


The language of the 14th Amendment, section 3 could not be clearer: if you (Donald J. Trump) as an officer (resident) of the government having taken an oath to protect and defend that government “engages” in (his speech on the eclipse Jan. 6, 2021) an act that led to an insurrection (an attack on the government) to prevent the certification of a fair and valid election, which that speech unleashed, you (Trump) should not be allowed back in office.

He did violate his oath and did nothing to stop what he started for three hours while allegedly watching the violence on TV, seeming to delight in what he alone had done! Many Capitol and DC police were seriously injured, killed and marred for life due to his actions that resulted in that insurrection.

Trump does not deserve to be considered as a viable candidate for president due to his actions that resulted in that insurrection. He has given up any right of consideration and should be left off the ballot via the 14th Amendment, section 3. We do not need anyone in office who does not take their oath of office seriously and who continues to lie and gaslight their supporters, which Trump continues to do.

He is not a martyr; no one is after him. He brought all of these court cases on himself by his criminal and dishonest behavior. Just occupying the Oval Office does not mean he gets a get out of jail free card forever. All who commit crimes should be held accountable. Hopefully the public will be more careful who they put in that office going forward.

Nancy Mayer
