I read with interest the opinion letter by Bob Spitzer on March 27. I generally agree with much of what he has to say. This upcoming election has more than ever two opposing ideologies and values competing for your vote. What I don’t agree with is that it is a “choice between the lesser of two evils.”
I could go on and on about the character of Donald Trump, our disgraced former president. He is a known sexual predator, a racist and a misogynist who mocks the handicapped and vilifies immigrants is spite of the fact that his mother and two of his wives were immigrants.
He achieved little during his term of office and spent his entire term trying to reverse as many accomplishments of President Obama as possible. We struggled as a nation under his leadership to survive a pandemic that he did not “believe in” and fought over buying toilet paper and basic commodities while he suggested we ingest bleach. There is no disputing the evil he represents and his anti-democratic agenda for America.
Joe Biden, however, is not and has never been an “evil.” He is a lifetime servant of the people who loves his family, his country and it is his mission to unite people. He is from a middle class background and has had to live with tragedy and suffering in his life. He is guilty of loving a son who has had to deal with addiction and the loss of a son to a terrible cancer. He lost a wife and a daughter yet managed to live again and share his life with hope and love. He has reached across the aisle numerous times in his many years of service most recently to pass an infrastructure bill, a bill to reduce gun violence and made substantial progress in reducing student loan debt and maintaining the Affordable Care Act.
I agree that “considering the candidates policies, values and track record” is necessary, but it is far from a decision between the “lesser of two evils.”
Barbara Strother
Oak Harbor