Letter: Former GOP darling is now an outcast


Remember Tiffany Smiley?

In 2022 she ran against Senator Patty Murray. She visited Whidbey on her tour bus and became lifelong friends with Island County Republican Party Chair Tim Hazelo and his then vice chair Morgan Cooper. Why? Because Tiffany was going to beat Murray, the “grandma in tennis shoes.”

Smiley comes to us straight from GOP central casting: a wholesome gal from the heartland. But as with all bad political actors, she is without substance.

During her campaign she said she wanted to “work across the aisle,” but then went on Fox News to vilify the people she wanted to work with. After Kansas citizens voted to support abortion rights, Smiley (and Republicans across the nation), “came out” as pro-choice. Her friends either ignored this or blamed “the media.”

And now, two years later even the county and state GOP admit she’s a fraud!

Smiley announced she’s running against U.S. Representative Newhouse (R-4th Dist.), who has been branded a RINO and Never Trumper! Instead of embracing their gal pal, the new “we the people” Republicans have also branded Smiley a RINO enemy.

Why? Because she’s running against their new (new) best friend, Jerrod Sessler!

In his May 8 press release, “Response to Fraudster Tiffany Smiley’s Candidacy,” Sessler says she’s “ethically compromised and a supporter of far-left Democrats,” and that “just a year ago she was defrauding donors” …. (Whereas just two years ago she was the GOP’s darling!)

Jerrod also claims he’s “the candidate endorsed by … the House Freedom Caucus” and (of course) … former president Donald Trump.

Poor Tiffany. If she dares to show her face here again, her good buddy Tim Hazelo and the ICRP will slash her tour bus tires and wave American flags and “Hang Tiffany Smiley” signs in her face.

David Freed
