Letter: Johnson is cornerstone of county board


I have had the distinct honor of knowing Jill Johnson for more than 18 years, working closely with her in my capacities as a former law enforcement administrator and now as a fellow elected Island County official.

When Jill first ran for commissioner in 2012, the county was experiencing significant turmoil and division. Jill saw this as an opportunity to serve the community she deeply cares about. From the beginning, she was transparent about being a moderate, committed to listening and solving problems rather than pushing a personal agenda.

Over the years I have watched Jill grow and mature in her role as county commissioner. She has consistently demonstrated her willingness to ask tough questions of those who work in the county government, expecting action and striving for excellence.

Jill has become the cornerstone of our Board of Commissioners. She is not afraid to work across the aisle in pursuit of positive change, yet she stands firm in her convictions when she knows it is best for our community.

Though Jill may sometimes come across as rough and tumble, she possesses the compassionate heart of a true servant. Exceptionally intelligent and effective, she knows how to get things done and remains dedicated to working hard for our community.

I wholeheartedly give Jill Johnson my strongest endorsement.

Kelly Mauck

Island County Assessor