There is a lot of impassioned talk in the news about DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and the role it plays in organizational policies. Disability is one aspect of the diversity umbrella and can often be misunderstood. To learn more about one couple’s journey with disability, join the Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation and the 2025 Trudy Sundberg Lecture Series on Friday, March 21, to hear authors, YouTubers, and disability advocates Shane and Hannah Burcaw share a hilarious and heartfelt presentation about the reality of being in an inter-abled relationship. Hear about highlights and lowlights from their own personal love story as they identify and debunk the damaging misconceptions and stigmas that society holds about disability.
The term “disability” can mean many different things, but here is how we like to think about it: Disability is a mismatch between a person’s abilities and their environment. For a person who is in a wheelchair, the disability is not the wheelchair, but rather a situation where there are only stairs and no elevator.
Often, when people think of disabilities what comes to mind are examples that can be outwardly observed, such as vision loss and mobility. However, there are a wide variety of disabilities that cannot be seen such as hearing loss, neurodiversity, mental health, epilepsy, chronic pain, and diverse learning styles, to name a few. Additionally, disabilities can be permanent, but they can also be temporary, such as a broken arm.
Being aware of hidden and visible disabilities and understanding how we can positively interact with those individuals is an important step toward an inclusive community and reflects our values as a society.
The free public event starts at 7:30 p.m. at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts (WICA), Langley. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open at 7 p.m. Overflow seating will be provided in WICA’s Zech Hall. Shane and Hannah’s first co-authored book, Interabled, will be available for sale at signing courtesy of Moonraker Books. The event will be recorded and accessible for later viewing on the Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation website. For more information about the event and the Trudy Sundberg Lecture Series, please visit https://sno-islefoundation.org/trudy-sundberg.
We hope to see you there.
Ace Martin, Freeland
Kathleen Landel, Langley
Lecture Series Planning committee