Letter: Mayor’s salary increases raises concerns about ethics


In response to Tiffany Scribner’s letter to the editor in the Sept. 7 edition: I have lived in Oak Harbor for 47 years. I served my country and my county for 32 years, I am just as much vested in this community as you are. I don’t know anything about what’s on social media, and don’t really care. If you don’t like it, don’t read it, don’t allow them to troll you. If you have proof that somebody is harassing you, put it on the table. Otherwise, turn the other cheek, stiff upper lip, get thicker skin and toughen-up butter-cup.

I have done my fair share of civic/public service. Maybe I should look into doing more. The salary committee, however well meaning, the city council and mayor did it all behind the backs of the people. Yeah, I know, it’s in the notes and and recorded on the cities closed circuit TV (blah blah, blah) but as I said in my first letter, you “legally cooked the books,” because you could by state law.

I looked up those laws as well. To my surprise it’s very vague. One of the first things it says is that pay and compensation in a public office should not be the sole reason for running. The pay is meant to “compensate” not be the sole source of income. It also says that many things can be looked at considering giving an elected official when for a pay raise, population, work hours, etc.

Again, I ask, what entity has the authority and made the decision to make Ronnie Wright a full-time employee of the people? I know all about FTEs. I dealt with them throughout my military career. What you’re telling us is that with a base population of 24,400 and the fact Ronnie was working 40 hours already, he should be compensated for full time, without the vote of the people.

Last time I said “horse hockey,” I guess I need to say buffalo chips! Sounds like he was padding his hours. If anybody does that in retail or open market, they would get charged with time left and fired.

Why won’t any of you (mayor/city council/salary committee) answer the questions. #1. Why was Ronnie in the office for 40+hours a week? #2. What was he doing? It sounds like he’s a micromanager who won’t let his eight or so department heads do their jobs. #3. Who is monitoring and accounting for his hours? (Oh the audacity of this guy, questioning our entitlement.) #4. Does he need the extra money? Why would a person who has a successful business and can afford to pay people to run said business need to justify that he needs to stay in the mayors office?

Does not add up. This whole situation seems unethical, immoral and lacks integrity. You want to know why citizens from around the county are getting angry? Haven’t you seen what’s going on in Dalton, Illinois, Arizona, Texas? People feel that the public officials in city hall are taking advantage of them.

Lastly, Ronnie Wright is not and will never be a leader of the public like you describe. He is an elected official and representative of the people. He doesn’t “lead” any citizen on their daily routine. He is a token figurehead of the city who serves at our leisure.

Richard Hoover

Oak Harbor