On March 19, the News-Times examined the Navy’s new Draft Amended Analysis for the 2018 Growler Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The draft analysis asserts that moving the Growlers to the remote El Centro base in the California desert would be too expensive and would create unnecessary duplication and irresolvable air quality problems. There was nothing new in this supposedly amended analysis. It basically repeated earlier statements, just with more filler language.
The amended analysis is wrong when it concludes El Centro is not feasible. Repeating conclusory statements does not show it to be correct. Nor does the analysis include adequate information to allow the costs to be meaningfully considered. That was the problem with the 2018 EIS and why the judge ordered a substantive analysis with real cost data. It remains to be seen whether the Navy will provide a credible analysis when the amended analysis is finalized. If not, it seems unlikely the court will be pleased with the Navy’s compliance effort.
The Navy has been vague on what steps are to follow. Environmental review is not a “make-work” exercise. The amended analysis, when finalized, is to be used by the Navy. The court said it expected the revised analysis to result in changes to the prior decision. That requires a revised EIS that presents pros and cons of four alternatives: 1) all squadrons move to El Centro, 2) partial move, 3) detachment of some to all carrier practice operations to El Centro and elsewhere, and 4) a no-action alternative. That also requires re-examination of the conditions imposed by the original decision to mitigate impacts to the extent Growlers continue to fly over Whidbey.
Only then can the impacts on birds, children’s education, costs, hardships and other issues be thoughtfully compared for each alternative. Only then can the public and Congress effectively weigh in on the wisest decision for all. Only then can the Court conclude that the Navy has done its job. The Navy must commit to use the new analysis to revisit its earlier decision, not just complete it and put it on a bookshelf somewhere.
Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (COER) will be working with our attorneys and the public to ensure the Navy complies with the court order and that public has full opportunity for review and comment at each step in the process.
Robert Wilbur