I wish to commend the Whidbey News Group for publishing letters supporting Trump from writers such as Mr. Merrill, Mr. Wilferth, Ty Welch, Mr. Hickey and others. Since Mr. Merrill finds the opinion page editors to be biased (March 1), I suggest the following adjustment to the editors’ evaluation and selection process to better reflect the respect those writers deserve.
My suggestion springs from observing that Trump supporters never have anything new or informative to say. The letters are always diatribes: Biden is a criminal, communist, worst ever, the destroyer of the economy, etc., and never one fact to back up their charges. I’m beginning to think Trump supporters read only each other’s letters and rephrase them, or that a bot is writing them. That being the case, I see no reason for the Whidbey News Group to reward laziness on the part of the Trump-supporting writers.
Therefore, I propose limiting the letters to one per year (per person or bot) unless the writers have something topical and informative to say.
For example, they could explain how Trump’s firing of federal employees meets his Constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” as written in Article 2, Section 3 of our Constitution. Agencies and budgets as enacted by our Congress (for better or worse) and previously approved by a president are the law of the land. The president does not have any authority to create law, ignore laws or alter laws: they are to “be faithfully executed.” Boring job, maybe, but there it is.
The writers could also make the case, explicitly, as to how any of his official actions are helping us.
It has already been demonstrated by MAGA people and Trump supporters that they worship him, reject democracy, and know zilch about economic policy. Since Trump first declared for the presidency, American Nazis, the KKK, and other such disgusting nut jobs have been his most enthusiastic supporter. When I saw their adoration, I immediately crossed him off my list of possibilities. Why haven’t the above writers to this paper done the same? If they are of those groups, don’t hide in the closet. Come on out and own it.
Finally, thinking of policy: For decades real wages have been decreasing and communities damaged by trade policies supported by both parties, but especially by businesses engaged in manufacturing (that and campaign donations are another day’s topic). Joe Biden and the Democrats, with no votes from the Republicans, changed that policy drastically, putting the “playing field” back to level, or better, with the IRA and the CHIPs Act, measures that are the only continuing counterweight to Trump’s haphazard and economy-withering tariffs. China wasn’t happy; Russia wasn’t happy. Biden delivered on his promise to revive American manufacturing and wages. MAGA and the Right were right to complain about destructive pro-business policies, and should have swarmed to the Democrats, but worship got in their way. Oh, well.
Think how much better off we’d be today if Trump were able to put his narcissism aside and continue down the pro-USA Biden road.
John Seyfried