On behalf of Oak Harbor retired teachers, we encourage Oak Harbor voters to vote “yes” on the upcoming school bond on Feb. 14. With the matching state and federal dollars, this bond measure will be able to replace three aging schools, provide critical safety enhancements for all schools and address important needs of the Oak Harbor Community. The cost of this bond is expected to be 30 cents less per $1,000 than the high school bond that was paid off in December and this is for three schools!
As a community, we need to value our schools and show how much we care about the future of Oak Harbor by investing in.
Bruce Biddle
Bill Bloch
Deedee Bloch
Mark Desvoigne
Larry Eaton
Dick Eigenraam
Linda Eigenraam
Tom Gerber
Kathy Harbour
David Ivie
Sally Jacobs
Sue Karahalios
Jack Kerr
Connie Leonardi
John Matzen
Vicki Matzen
Richard Nash
George Peck
Craig Pedlar
Colleen Pedlar
Gail Prichard
Jan Racicky
Marvin Reed
Jane Selene
Jerry Selene
Jeff Stone
Vicky Stone