Letter: Shimada is results-oriented, leader for county


Marie Shimada has my enthusiastic vote for District 1 county commissioner. Why? Marie is a results-oriented leader with vision who actively listens, zeroes in on the key issues and then collaborates to reach consensus on and implement creative, practical solutions. She knows it is imperative that we keep Whidbey Island economically vital, climate resilient and affordable for all residents.

In partnership, Marie will do the tough work to balance strategic environmental protection for all living beings with smart growth so that a vibrant array of people can continue to call this Island home surrounded by a healthy, natural world. Marie knows the importance of tackling these challenges. She was raised here and cares deeply. Marie will carry on her family’s strong legacy of public service – for all.

That is why I, along with her long list of endorsers, will check my ballot for Marie Shimada.

Pat Powell
