Letter: Shimada is the right kind of leader


We, the undersigned, are looking for enthusiastic, smart, responsive, collaborative and visionary leadership to carry our community forward into an era of great opportunity, but also one of great challenges. We believe that Marie Shimada is that kind of leader.

The next decade in our civic life will demand broad cooperation and shared decision making, creative thinking and intergovernmental collaboration. We need leadership that will be actively engaged with the public and responsive to their input. But more than just listening, we need a leader who will catalyze balanced and sensitive action.

Marie Shimada knows and understands that the greatest challenges facing our region – climate change, environmental stewardship, economic threats to the agricultural community, affordable housing, managing tourism, historic preservation, and fostering cultural and creative expression will either make or break the future of Island County in her lifetime. She feels the urgency to do what it takes to find real solutions. The time to begin this work is now. We believe that Marie Shimada is our best opportunity to create the future we want for our community.

Katherine Baxter


Lisa Bernhardt


Marian Myszkowski


Amanda Pitts


Linda Irvine
