The Supreme Court has again shown us their true colors as an extremist court. Making a ruling to help their crooked, flawed ex-president, want-a-be-dictator Donald John Trump. So if by some awful miscarriage of justice he should get back into power, we may muse on which of the many scary acts in his playbook will he attempt to carry out. Murder or jailing innocent patriots who dared have the gall of speaking out.
Perhaps also the justices wanted to distract us from what they have been up to by accepting millions of dollars in gifts and trips, when (if there were ethics or they were honest) they should not have accepted any monies.We may now ask of them what do you gibe to your benefactors in return for these “gifts”?
We have never had to worry in the 240+ years as a country,if the president would go against the Constitution. Most were decent, honest men who respected the office they served in. Untrue of DJT, he respects no one or any office. But now in effect the Supreme Court has tried to make of DJT our king if he should get in again. This is the very reason we left England in the first place to start this grand experiment.
The ruling is circular, hard-to-understand gobbledygook, probably so the average person does not know where they are going, or maybe the court is not sure where they were going either. But one thing is sure, the court is on dangerous, unprecedented ground and causing more delay by waiting to the last minute to rule. What is interesting are the writing from the three women dissenters: Sotomayor, Jackson and Kagan. Their writings are worth reading.
Another said day benefit of the Supreme Court; their arrogance is disgraceful. Perhaps we need term limits, perhaps no one should be in office for life.
Nancy Mayer