Letter: There are good people on both sides of political divide


In response to Marie Frost’s letter (Oct. 2, South Whidbey Record): Predictably the rhetoric is heating up as we approach Election Day. My own column certainly hasn’t helped calm things. I won’t apologize for that. I am in total agreement with the two retired Marine Corps officers who warned of Trump’s threat to our democracy in their letter in the Wednesday, Oct. 2 issue of the paper.

However, I didn’t quite expect to be personally called “sick and perverted” in that same issue of the paper by a writer who took issue with my argument that the MAGA movement has “eery similarities to the movement that brought Hitler to power.” That statement by me isn’t at all a case of my calling Marie Frost and other MAGA people “followers of a mass murderer.” I just want to make that very clear. I do believe that there are good people on both sides.

Michael Seraphinoff
